And The Winners Are…

To our great pleasure, we were chosen to judge the shortlist of films that were up for the best film, best comedy and best micro-short (run time under three minutes) at the sixth Loch Ness Film Festival. After some heated debates the winners were decided. 

Best Film: We Sit. We Drink. No Guns

we-sit-we-drink-no guns1Directed by Matt Hielsberg and Nicci Thompson both of New York Film Academy, “We Sit. We Drink. No Guns” is an intriguing piece set in a post apocalyptic world where the characters are losing it and reality is dubious. An authentic wasteland has been created as well as a real interest in the character of Max and his story, leaving the audience wanting more.

Best Comedy: Casting Session

casting-sessionSomewhat a parody of itself, Scottish production “Casting Session” plays out a scene in which two brothers try to call each other’s bluff when auditioning for a play. Director Calum Bob Weir has created a humorous short resting on the performances of the actors who throw themselves into the premise. It starts out light and funny, becomes tense and ends very much like a nightmare.

Best Micro-Short: Just Say Hi

just-say-hiBy promising Scottish director John McPhail, “Just Say Hi” is a flirty little story of two young people who exchange looks at a bus stop. A simple premise, this short is incredibly engaging, fun and full of chemistry. McPhail is definitely a likely candidate for the British Romantic Comedy we’ve been waiting for.

John McArthur

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