The Empire Strikes Back With Bond Style Credits

Empire_Bond_homageWith the interest in the Star Wars universe being at an all time high, the more enterprising minds out there are busy creating their own homages to the massive LucasArts property. One of the latest is a re-imagining of the title sequence for Episode Five. The film maker, Krofl, AKA Kurt Rauffer has produced a James Bond inspired title sequence for The Empire Strikes Back, complete with the rejected Radiohead track for last year’s SPECTRE. It is a fantastic piece of work.

On his Vimeo page, Kurt explained the thought behind the homage. “Star Wars is one of Hollywood’s biggest franchises to date, containing one of the most unique universes in sci-fi fiction. Not only is the universe incredibly iconic, so is its title sequence (the famous title crawl). Designed by Dan Perri, the title sequence is one of the most recognizable introductions in the history of film.

empire-strikes-back-homageGrowing up in the 90s where Star Wars was released on VHS, the franchise really sparked my imagination as a child. It not only let me exercise my imagination but also supplied me with some of the happiest memories as I watched it with my family. After re-watching “The Empire Strikes Back,” I decided to use this as a chance to create a homage in the form of a title sequence. This would also serve as my senior “thesis” at SVA and took me the whole semester to complete.

The style and tone of the animation was inspired by the James Bond title sequences. The music was a rejected song from the newest Bond film, Spectre, sung by Radiohead. I really wanted to play on the concept of Luke trying to find himself and true purpose, so the music and inspiration felt fitting.”

Check out the video below and leave a comment on Kurt’s vimeo page at

John McArthur

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