Win A Copy Of Disorder On Blu-Ray

disorder-1In association with Soda Pictures we are giving you the chance to win a copy of Disorder on Blu-Ray. Following a tour of duty, Special Services soldier Vincent (Matthias Schoenaerts) takes a job in security for a wealthy Lebanese businessman and his family. During a lavish party one night, at their luxurious ‘Maryland’ villa, Vincent senses that something is amiss. When his employer is then urgently called away on business Vincent is left to ensure the safety of his wife Jessie (Kruger) and their child. Suffering from post-traumatic stress, Vincent battles his own paranoia whilst clinging to the certainty that Jessie and her family are in immediate danger, unleashing a hell-bent determination to protect them at all costs.

From French director Alice Winocour, Disorder is a masterful thriller full of suspense that takes audiences on a cinematic and atmospheric ride through the mind of its flawed but heroic lead. Following stand out performances in Bullhead and Rust and Bone, Schoenaerts yet again delivers a powerhouse performance, proving he’s an actor at the top of his game.

To win a copy of the Blu-Ray please answer the following question

What is the name of the Matthias Schoenaerts film that was directed by Alan Rickman ?

Please send your answer to with subject Disorder. Please include your name and postal address. The competition will close at 12:00 pm on Monday the 25th of July 2016. Moviescramble will not pass on your details to anyone else.

Disorder will be available on DVD and Blu-Ray from the 25th of July.

John McArthur

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