The Lovers and The Despot is a thriller romance documentary, which tells the story of young and ambitious South Korean film director Shin Sang-ok and talented actress Choi Eun-hee who meet and fall in love in the post war Korea of the 1950s. A string of awards for their films and a happy family life with two children follow. Reaching the top of Korean society, it seems like things can’t get any better for this golden couple. But then Choi discovers Shin has been having an affair with a younger actress- an affair that has produced two children. The Shin Films company is in financial trouble. In 1978 Choi divorces Shin and heads to Hong Kong to search out new business opportunities.
Choi is kidnapped by North Korean agents in Hong Kong and taken to meet Kim Jong-il, de facto leader. A few months later, whilst retracing Choi’s last steps, Shin also finds himself kidnapped to North Korea. Following five years of imprisonment, they are eventually reunited by movie obsessed Kim Jong-il, who declares them his own filmmakers. Having rekindled their love for each other, they plan their escape from North Korea, but not before producing 17 feature films for Kim and gaining his trust in the process. And then, finally, embarking on a daring escape plan.
The Lovers and The Despot comes to UK cinemas from 23 September and on demand 24 September.
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