Win A Copy Of The Lighthouse On DVD

the-lighthouse-1In association with Soda Pictures we are offering the chance to win a copy of the new movie, The Lighthouse. Based on one of the most infamous cases in Welsh maritime history, The Lighthouse follows Thomas Howell and Thomas Griffith’s disastrous posting to Smalls Island Lighthouse in 1801. Surrounded only by the Irish Sea, they’re left to ‘keep the light’ 25 miles from the land. But when a freak storm hits, the men are stranded for months before any relief can be sent to them. They gradually succumb to their tiny living quarters, spending their time drinking and arguing, pushing each other’s psyche to the limit.

Directed by Chris Crow, this stark psychological thriller is a tale of death, madness and isolation, following a desolate trip into the heart of human darkness.

To win a copy of the DVD please fill in the form below with the answer to the following question.

Who directed The Lighthouse?

The competition ends at 23:59 on the 18th of November. Moviescramble will not pass on your details to anyone else. The editor’s decision is final.

The Lighthouse is out now on DVD.


John McArthur
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