Teen Spirit – Trailer

After premiering at the 2018 Toronto International Film Festival, stylish British drama Teen Spirit is set for release on digital download and DVD. In his directorial debut, Max Minghella and producer Fred Berger create a modern fairytale — scored to a lush, pop soundtrack — about a quiet 17-year-old girl who finds the support and self-confidence she needs to step into her own power.

Violet, played by Elle Fanning, lives with her Polish-immigrant mother on the brink of poverty in a small village on the Isle of Wight. With her father no longer in the picture, Violet helps out around the house, sings in the choir and works waitress shifts after school, passing her tips to her mother. Whenever she can, she sneaks off to perform at a dingy pub to a thin audience of deadbeats. It’s there that she catches the attention of Vlad (Zlatko Buric), a down-on-his-luck, boozed-up former opera star who now lacks purpose in life.

When a national singing competition comes to town to hold auditions, Vlad becomes Violet’s unlikely mentor and manager, accompanying her on a journey that takes the young singer all the way to the glamorous Teen Spirit finals in London. Along the way, Violet learns about singing, about loyalty and about the kind of resilience it takes to find success.

Teen Spirit will be available on digital download from 16 September and on DVD from 14 October.

John McArthur

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