
Premiered at Cannes and currently on the festival circuit is the new film from top director Alexander Payne. After the award winning success of the Hawaiian set The Descendants in 2012 he is returning with a very different  looking film in the form of the movie Nebraska.

Bruce Dern stars as Woody a grouchy aged alcoholic who is intent on travelling from Montana to Nebraska to claim what he thinks is a million dollar prize from a marketing company sweepstakes. His son decides to play along to give his father at least a couple of days of happiness. Unfortunately things get out of hand when people start to believe that Woody has really won the cash. As always, sudden wealth brings nothing but problems.

The film is shot in glorious black and white. It looks like it will be another fine film from Payne who has carved out a reputation of digging into the heart of the human condition.

Nebraska will be released in the US on 22nd November and the UK on 6th December.

John McArthur

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