The Grand Budapest Hotel trailer

 Following on from the initial teaser poster a few days ago the trailer for the new Wes Anderson Film, The Grand Budapest Hotel, has just been launched.  Known for his unique visual style, engaging story telling and interesting casting choices , Anderson looks to have delivered another film with a very individual look.

The tale revolves arround the character of Gustav H. the manager of the Grand Budapest. He tends to provide a very hands on service to his clients that leads to a conflict after one of his guests leaves him a painting in her will. Ralph Fiennes is cast as the character of Gustav and is supported by what can only be described as a plethora of acting talent.As well as a number of Wes Anderson regulars including Bill Murray and Owen Wilson we get appearances from Adrian Brody and Willem Defoe to name but two.

 The films look is quite breath-taking and looks to follow on quite neatly from Anderson’s previous visual feat, Moonrise Kingdom.

The Grand Budapest Hotel will be released in early 2014.

John McArthur

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