Pedro Almodovar

Six Of The Best: Pedro Almodovar

When you think of Madrid-native, Pedro Almodovar, three key things spring to mind; colour, close-ups and conversation. Almodovar’s films – from the early, wilder days to more recent years – have alwa...
Four Lions

Four Lions

Comedy is not only subjective, it’s often a product of time. Humour ages quickly, even something that seems as harmless as Friends has fallen foul of the social media Witchfinder Generals as new audi...
The Post

The Post

An American president convinced the media has an agenda against him and his decisions; damning White House documents covered up; journalists threatened for printing the truth. You would think, in our...


It’s a very rare – and, yet, cathartic – experience to share a darkened room with forty other strangers who are crying and sniffling as much as you are. Choked down sobs, deep sighs and t...
The Divine Order Die Goettliche Ordnung

The Divine Order

  Every so often, a film can completely take you by surprise. You start watching – with no expectations whatsoever – and end up entirely moved and appreciative. Swiss writer / direct...
The Florida Project

The Florida Project

When you think of Florida, what springs to mind? The sunshine state, Cuban fusion, the ubiquitous black ears of a certain Mr. M. Mouse? It’s a place that instantly conjures vibrant images of carefree...
Hounds of Love

Mary’s Top Ten of 2017

It’s been a funny old year for cinema. There have been extreme highs and lows; breathtaking pieces of craft to sleazy sex scandals. It’s a year when Hollywood really has had to take a goo...
Journey's End

Journey’s End: First Trailer

A wealth of British acting talent are set to bring R.C. Sherriff’s 1928 play, Journey’s End, from stage to screen as Suite Francaise and The Duchess director, Saul Gibb, brings the horror...
The Big Sick

The Big Sick

The Big Sick sounds like the way a small child would refer to a bad stomach bug. So, I was worried that this would be another infantile rom-com, packed full of clichés and “missed opportunities”. Act...


Craig Zobel’s 2012 film Compliance has prompted extreme reactions since its release. When it toured the festival circuit, people walked out; critics have professed their dismay at its attitude toward...