Oldboy Red Band Trailer

To say that the remake of Oldboy will generate some discussion would be an enormous understatement. The original is one of the most revered films of the last decade.  A remake has been on the cards from almost the moment the Park Chan Wook original hit the international conscious after winning the Grand Jury Prize at the 2004 Cannes film festival. Originally Justin Lin was scheduled to direct the American version of the film. After he dropped out to concentrate on Fast & Furious Steven Spielberg and Dreamworks took on the rights with Will Smith on board in the main role. The project died a death in 2009 after a dispute over the rights. In 2011  it was announced that Spike Lee was now in place to direct the film.

Recently released is the first red band trailer for the remake. With Josh Brolin in the title role and featuring Elizabeth Olsen and Samuel L Jackson the trailer is significant for its similarities to the original in both appearance and full on bloody violence. It’s going to be difficult to judge the film on its own merits but it will be an interesting viewing experience never the less.

Oldboy is released on 25th October 2013

John McArthur

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