A Rose Reborn

a-rose-reborn-1This is one that completely passed me by. I am a big fan of Park Chan-Wook and I rated Stoker as my favourite film of 2013. It was only recently I came across the short film, A Rose Reborn that was his follow-up.

The film is presented by Ermenegildo Zegna and Stefano Pilati from Zenga Couture. Although they financed it, the film is not full of advertising for the brand and there are only a few subtle references in the final product. This is becoming an established model for raising budgets for short films.

As with all Park Chan-Wook’s  films, this is a visual treat. He has a great eye for a stunning shot and the locations from bustling cities to gardens and a mine are all delivered in an effective manner. The story sees a man (Jack Huston) initially on a journey to try to sell his product to another business man (Daniel Wu). He is forced to travel and interact with all sorts of people in his quest to get his product seen. Along the way his journey opens his eyes to the variety of experiences that are out there.

John McArthur

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