Sir Ian McKellen And Noel Clarke To Host Screenings Of Chicken

chicken-1First time feature director, Joe Stephenson, has announced that his much-anticipated film Chicken is to receive a huge boost thanks to the unprecedented support of both Sir Ian McKellen and Noel Clarke, already staunch champions of the film, who will host and introduce some special screenings on its opening weekend. In what is a quite unique coup, Sir Ian McKellen is set to undertake something of a marathon when he hosts and introduces three separate screenings at three separate cinemas on the same night.

It’s the story of Richard, who is 15 and has learning difficulties. He can only communicate fully with Fiona, his pet chicken. He longs to put down roots but his restless and destructive brother, Polly, needs to keep moving. When the land they live on is bought by a new landowner, and the electricity supply to their dilapidated caravan is cut, their already precarious living conditions get even worse. Then a chance meeting with the  new landowner’s daughter, Anabel, leaves Richard besotted. His optimistic view on life becomes increasingly difficult to maintain as Polly’s behavior worsens, and he is torn between loyalty to his brother and his first true friend in Annabel. For better or worse, Richard’s life is about to change forever.

Chicken is set for release in UK cinemas from 20th May. For more info, go to

John McArthur
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