The Joker Shines In His Own Suicide Squad Trailer

When it was announced Jared Leto would play the Joker in the upcoming Suicide Squad film, it was arguably the most controversial casting since eh, Heath Ledger was cast as the Joker (yes, I’m aware of the Ghostbusters vitriol but it’s not as neat a comparison).

To be fair to the Academy Award winner, the backlash focused on the character’s look opposed to the actor’s talent. When footage of Leto in action surfaced, there were still those in a rage of the aesthetics of a fictional character that has had a million difference interpretations  since he debuted in 1940.

With Suicide Squad’s release on the horizon, we have been presented with a trailer showcasing Leto’s Joker and some of the insanity that comes with him. The jury may still be out, but I for one am very excited.

Suicide Squad hits cinemas August 5th.

Thomas Simpson
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