Sicario 2 – Soldado: First Trailer

Sicario 2: Soldado

Soldado Sicario

I managed to miss Sicario when it was in the cinema, and had to rely on good old Netflix to get to watch Denis Villeneuve’s 2015 crime thriller. There have been rumours for a while that a sequel was in the works, and now a trailer has come to light for Soldado. Sadly, Villeneuve will not be returning to the director’s chair. However, it is Suburra and Gomorrah director, Stefano Sollima, who will be taking the storyline forward so I am really looking forward to watching his gritty and visceral approach.

The film centres around the escalating drugs war on the US / Mexican border, as the violence, tensions and double crossing continues to build up. Josh Brolin and Benicio del Toro reprise their roles, alongside the likes of Catherine Keener and Matthew Modine. The trailer doesn’t give too much away, but there are glimpses of hooded interrogations; bodies being tossed in the ground; bomb threats and a thrilling armed hold up. Sollima’s influence may well intensify the action.

Brolin and del Toro both provide an equally brooding presence, and it will be interesting to see them play off each other once more. Soldado certainly looks packed with much more action than its predecessor and I think the title credits – which swipe the actors’ faces away to reveal skulls – are a really neat touch.

Soldado will be in UK cinemas in June 2018.



Mary Munoz
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