THX 1138- Review

Like many people in their 20s and early 30s, I grew up watching George Lucas’ Star Wars prequels. At the time they were some of my favourite films, with Attack of the Clones probably being my m...

First Cow- Review

A24 have been responsible for some of the most out-there films over the last few years. I still remember leaving Midsommar and requiring a pint to gather my thoughts on what on Earth I’d just s...

Nomadland- Review

Ahh off the grid living. Something so simple yet so amazing when done right. Of course, if you’re currently living off the grid (and somehow managed to find this review) then I am afraid to say...

Top 10 Films of 2020- Fraser’s Picks

So the worst year of our lives is now drawing to a close. And as we prepare for better days in 2021, it’s time to reflect on the films 2020 has produced. This has been no ordinary year for cine...

Wonder Woman 1984- Review

Warner Bros, the studio that keeps on releasing films in cinemas in 2020, and they’re back again with the delayed sequel to 2017’s Wonder Woman, Wonder Woman 1984. Staring Gal Gadot, Chri...

Soul – Review

Soul (2020) is the latest film to emerge from Disney Pixar, a studio noted for some of the best animated films to have emerged over the last almost 3 decades. Written and Directed by Pete Docter and ...

Tenet – Review

Tenet, the film they said would save cinema … Christopher Nolan makes a return to the big screen in 2020 with his all new sci-fi thriller, a film which he has written and directed. The film follows J...