
Just released to the world is the trailer for the new film from Director Paul Bruce. Best known for his five minute award winning epic Zombie Asockalypse from 2009, Paul and his team have been hard a...

Zombie Asockalypse

The perennial question for film makers is how to make their latest offering unique. In an overly crowded market place they need a hook to hang their product on. Something that will entice people to w...

Michael Winner dies

It was announced today that the British film director Michael Winner has dies at the age of seventy-seven. He had been in poor health for some time. He started out directing in the early sixties, pro...

End of Watch

Just when you thought that you had seen it all, the movies are able to add another twist to an already familiar format. For several years now we have been subjected to the found footage film in one g...

John’s top ten films of 2012

2012 has been a very good year for films, especially ones that appeal to me. When I compiled my top ten of last year I had maybe thirteen contenders for the list. This year in comparison had about tw...


Time travel films require a certain amount of faith on the part of the viewer. If you are willing to accept the premises presented then all is well. In some films thinking a bit too much about the sc...

The Red Balloon

Once in a while it is good to dip into the classics especially if that film in consideration is one that is new to you. Of course the word classic is bandied about so much these days that it is diffi...

This Means War

When a film is released bearing the announcement ‘directed by McG’ it immediately polarizes opinion. If you have a look at his resume as a director its easy to see why a lot of people hat...

Man on a Ledge

The caper film is a well established genre with some notable and entertaining entries released in the recent past. The success of the Oceans trilogy (well eleven and thirteen at least) is a good exam...

Mugging for Amateurs

The master and apprentice tale is one that seems to be able to cover most genres of film and has been integrated into countless films over the years. From classics such as The Sting to the likes of S...