
With so many martial arts films released these days it takes something special to stand out from the crowd. The most popular films all have something in common. All have interesting stories. The basi...

AVPR: Aliens Vs Predator – Requiem

The journey has certainly been eventful. From its initial beginnings in 1979, the Alien and Predator franchises have had their highs and lows. It was always going to be a tall order to follow-up on t...


In my impressionable teenage years I was exposed to the first round of the modern day action heroes. Starting with Arnie, Bruce and Sly more followed in the bulky shapes of Dolph, Jean-Claude, Chuck ...


The title ‘From Producer JJ Abrams’ seems to crop up more and more on our screens these days. His production company Bad Robot has a stake in numerous recent and current film and TV proje...

For the Love of Lugosi

For some film makers the short film is the calling card to gaining recognition and financing for a larger and perhaps more ambitious project. For others completing the short is the achievement in its...

Nazis at the centre of the earth

For every action is an opposite and equal reaction. One of Newtons laws of Physics which can be equally applied to successful films. For every hit film there seems to be a low budget rip off hitting ...


The Nordic crime drama has been gaining popularity in the last few years. It can be traced back to the Martin Beck series of novels from the 1960’s through the Wallander books and to the recent...

My Personal Hall of Shame: Unseen Classics

There are a number of films out there that are considered classic films for one reason or another.  They tend to crop up on best of lists from the AFI, BFI and the IMDB top 250.  Seen, loved and quot...


There cannot be many people more in love with cinema that Martin Scorsese. During his extensive career has used his personal point of view and his passion for film history to create some of the best,...

Iron Sky – Review

I was going to start this review with a comment on how you wait for a Nazi invasion film to come along… but then realised that we do not wait at all for these types of films. It seems that ther...