The Magnificent Showman

As part of our Second Chance Cinema strand we look at the 1964 film The Magnificent Showman. There came a period in John Wayne’s career where he stopped playing the part as presented in the scr...

The Debt

Every action has a reaction. It may not be immediate and it may not be apparent, but it will happen and the consequences of the action can be far reaching.  This forms the basic premise for the 2011 ...


When a film is described as how someone comes to terms with cancer you tend to fear the worst. There have been too many movie of the week entries where the story is so predictable that I could almost...

Movie Podcasts review part 1: UK podcasts

There are dozens of sites out there providing the internet with movie themed podcasts. Too many to listen to with so little time available. I have created a list, in no particular order, of the ones ...

Red Planet

In the next thirty years mankind will face its biggest challenge. Population will spiral out of control, resources will begin to dwindle and pollution will start to kill the Earth. How will we react?...

The Conversation

Sandwiched in between two classics of modern cinema is not a place that any movie would want to be. Alas that is the place that The Conversation finds itself. Released two years after The Godfather a...

The Disappearance of Alice Creed

A film with only three actors, four locations, a first time director and a budget that wouldn’t cover the catering for a major movie needs to have everything going its way just to make an impre...

The Truman Show

Moviescramble reviews the 1998 classic comedy drama The Truman Show. In these days of wall to wall reality TV shows it is difficult to remember a time when we were not subjected to the endless mindle...

Contagion – Review

Steven Soderbergh is one of modern cinema’s most interesting characters. Coming to international attention with the somewhat controversial Sex, Lies and videotape which won Soderbergh the Palme...

The Muppets – Review

I’ve been a fan of the Muppets since their TV show aired on UK television in the late 1970s. It shows my age obviously. Having lost interest as I grew up the Muppets were left behind only to be...