Free Fire

For those who are familiar with Ben Wheatley’s previous work, his films are not meant for audiences of the light-hearted. But that’s not to say that the films are bad in any way. In fact, they are ac...

New Releases for August

It’s not known for being the best month for cinema releases. The big summer blockbusters have come and gone, and it’s a long way off any Oscar fare. Looking ahead, the month appears to be a dumping g...

The Man From U.N.C.L.E.

Coming soon to save the world, if you are in 1963 that is, is the new film from director Guy Ritchie. The Man From U.N.C.L.E. is a big screen remake of the hugely popular TV (and occasional film) ser...

The Lone Ranger

Just released is the theatrical  trailer for one of the most anticipated films of the summer blockbuster season, The Lone Ranger. It’s good to see this film finally getting to the screen after ...

Mirror Mirror

It shouldn’t come as a surprise in these days of remakes and reboots that Hollywood turns once again to the Snow White fairy tale.  This is the first of the two major releases this year touchin...