Brightburn – Review

Stop me if you think you’ve heard this one before. When an alien spacecraft lands in Kansas, a farm couple find a baby inside. As the boy grows it becomes clear he’s different. He exhibits unusual st...

The Hunger Games: Mockingjay trailer

Just out is the first full trailer for the new Hunger Games film. As was extensively reported the final book of the series is being split into two films for reasons that can be best described as mone...

The LEGO movie

In quite possibly the best piece of cross promotion ever we have the first trailer for the forthcoming LEGO movie. There is no denying that the film will appeal to basically every demographic given t...

Man on a Ledge

The caper film is a well established genre with some notable and entertaining entries released in the recent past. The success of the Oceans trilogy (well eleven and thirteen at least) is a good exam...

The Hunger Games

24 children thrown together and expected to murder each other for the overall benefit of society. I’m thinking this sounds like a fairly good real world solution, never mind in movie-land. Alas...