Blade Runner 2049

Blade Runner 2049

Denis Villeneuve has quickly established himself as one of the most interesting directors in contemporary cinema. Any time you hear his name attached to a project, it’s almost impossible not to get e...

Short Sharp Review: Suicide Squad

I’m not a big DC Comics guy, however, I’ve read my fair share of comics in my time and I do like a comic-movie-hybrid. The likes of gritty Judge Dredd (the recent one, not the Stallone one R...

Six Of The Best: Drugs On Film

Denis Villeneuve’s Sicario, coming to Blu-ray, DVD and digital platforms from February 1st is a visceral, unflinching portrayal of the war against drugs.  Critically lauded and impossible to tear you...

Dallas Buyers Club

At the peak of the AIDS crisis in 1980s America, fear and myths spread faster and further than the disease itself. Ignorance led to statements that it was a purely homosexual epidemic, or that you co...