Hela Thor MCU

Six of the Best: MCU Villains

Every good superhero needs a great villain. Someone to rally against; to do battle with; to save the rest of us mere mortals from. The latest entry to phase two of the Marvel Cinematic Universe ̵...
The Pale Man Pans Labyrinth

Six of the Best – Movie Monsters

Our cinematic love affair can be traced all the way back to 1915 and The Golem. A silent movie, it was one of the first to feature a “creature” – a clay statue brought to life to protect the Jewish p...
The Orphanage

Six of the Best – International Horror

When it comes to the thrills and spills of a good horror movie, Hollywood doesn’t have the monopoly. So many international film makers have made their mark on a cinema within the horror genre. From g...

Six Of The Best – Josh Hartnett

Josh Hartnett is an actor who burst onto the scene in the late nineties, making a name for himself in a couple of choice roles. Since the mid 2000’s he had admittedly appeared in some lesser kn...
Jake Gyllenhaal Mysterio

Six Of The Best: Jake Gyllenhaal

Jake Gyllenhaal is currently storming through cinema screens in a burgundy cape and a cloud of green smoke as he takes on the role of Mysterio in Spider-Man: Far From Home. As we noted in our Moviesc...

Six Of The Best: Dark Side of Fame

Fame and fortune. It sounds wonderful, doesn’t it? Endless awards ceremonies, millions of social media followers and enough clothes and make up to keep you looking at your very best at all times. It ...
Lady Bird

Six Of The Best – Coming Of Age

Being a teenager is hard. Going through high school – and attempting to emerge relatively unscathed – equally so. It’s a time of great change; of expectations and reinventions. And, if you’re lucky, ...
Call Me by Your Name

Six Of The Best: LGBT Cinema

It’s Pride Month and, here at Moviescramble, we are only too happy to get our rainbow on. Representations of the LGBTQI community has come a long way from early portrayals – dating back as far as the...
Joaquin Phoenix Walk the Line

Six Of The Best: Actors Who Can Sing

Still thrilled at how utterly perfect the Vox Lux soundtrack is, it made me realise something: I didn’t actually know that Natalie Portman could sing. Sure, many actors go through drama schools where...

Six Of The Best: Alternative Valentine’s

Forget the Hollywood cliché of boy meets girl, girl takes off glasses, boy falls madly in love. That’s not romance. Lingering glances, unspoken words, stolen kisses … Now, that’s got our heart beatin...