8 Films Turning 20 in 2015

1995 truly was a cinematic gift. Outstanding performances from the likes of Vincent Cassell, Kevin Spacey and Robin Williams ensure that this particular filmic anniversary is studded with striking st...


Saving Private Ryan raised the bar in terms of war movies. Its influence was felt in the many films that followed. It wasn’t hard to hold Stephen Spielberg’s epic tale of warfare up as the benc...

New Releases for October

So, it’s October already. The big summer blockbusters are a fading memory, and we are a few months away from anything worth a bet at next year’s award ceremonies. What we are left with then is a fair...

True Romance

“You’re so cool, you’re so cool, you’re so cool.” Three simple words, uttered at the end of this film that sums up the whole movie.  The characters, the performances, the unrequited love between the ...

World War Z sequel has a director

Paramount Pictures have announced that a director is attached to the proposed sequel to the 2013 Zombie movie World War Z. The man in charge will be Juan Antonio Bayona best known for his work on The...

The Counselor

It’s a massive change in direction for director Ridley Scott, but not wholly unexpected,  moving from the fan dividing space saga Prometheus to the very earthbound drama The Counselor. The film...

World War Z

I got bored with Max Brooks’ novel of World War Z and didn’t finish it. When it was suggested by a friend that we go see the film, I didn’t want to. In the end pressure won out. The...

Moneyball – Review

I must admit that I do not know very much about Baseball. I know the basics of the game but the intricacies, the stats, and the language of the game are a bit of a mystery to me. So my approach to th...