Late Night with the Devil

Late Night with the Devil – Review

This review contains mild spoilers Demonic possession is a staple of the horror genre. Perhaps rightly or wrongly, any film attempting to scare the bejesus out of you (pardon the pun) will always be ...
Oppenheimer film review

Oppenheimer – Review

“Now I am become Death, destroyer of worlds.” Christopher Nolan’s biopic of J. Robert Oppenheimer, based on Kai Bird and Martin J. Sherman’s book, American Prometheus, weaves effortlessly between the...
Dune 2021

Dune (2021) – Review

A violent, sci-fi drama set in sand-swept space sounds like the perfect melting pot of all of Denis Villeneuve’s work to date. A director with a truly phenomenal body of work, Dune follows the likes ...