Moviescramble’s favourite films of the 21st century
BBC Culture’s 100 Greatest films of the 21st Century has sparked a degree of debate all over the internet and,…
BBC Culture’s 100 Greatest films of the 21st Century has sparked a degree of debate all over the internet and,…
The Hateful Eight didn’t have the easiest of Gestation periods for a film. Before a frame was even shot the…
Looking back over the year, no film could claim to be the real stand-out of 2013. In a year where…
When I first started on this list I found myself jotting down more films that I loathed. Once the ball…
January has been a really busy month. Although I have managed to squeeze a lot of new releases into my…
Django Unchained Be honest with yourself, Tarantino hasn’t made a great film in 10 years. Inglourious Basterds was average, Death…