THX 1138- Review

Like many people in their 20s and early 30s, I grew up watching George Lucas’ Star Wars prequels. At the time they were some of my favourite films, with Attack of the Clones probably being my m...

Bradley Cooper to play Indiana Jones?

Fan boys of the world, are you sitting comfortably? Brace yourself, as the latest rumour to surface from Hollywood is that Bradley Cooper is in line to play Indiana Jones. Before you go into meltdown...

Disney to hack away at Star Wars EU

People have short memories. This is of particular benefit to those who like to complain as it gives them the opportunity to continue voicing their grievances even if it contradicts their previous fee...

The Gang’s All Here!

The gossip mill around Episode VII has been rolling pretty solidly this year.  We have the involvement of JJ Abrams and Harrison Ford confirming he’ll be back.  Now hot on the back of Carrie Fi...