The Teachers Lounge

The Teachers’ Lounge – Review

This review contains spoilers At school, it did always seem like the teachers’ lounge was a place of mystery. Only if you were handing something in or waiting to speak to someone did you catch a glim...
Aus Meiner Haut Skin Deep

Skin Deep (Aus Meiner Haut) – Review

“Is it possible for a body to be inherently happier or unhappier than another body?” asks one of the characters within writer-director Alex Schaad’s feature-length debut, Skin Deep (Aus Meiner Haut)....
The Orphanage

Six of the Best – International Horror

When it comes to the thrills and spills of a good horror movie, Hollywood doesn’t have the monopoly. So many international film makers have made their mark on a cinema within the horror genre. From g...
Daniel Bruhl The Alienist

Six Of The Best: Daniel Bruhl

Believe it or not, baby-faced actor Daniel Bruhl turned 40 this year. The multi-lingual half German, half Spanish actor has transitioned seamlessly from quirky European indie films to Hollywood block...


The recent German film Phoenix poses a single question. Who are we if we lose the characteristics that defines us? In the case of the film, it is the face. Set against the backdrop of post war German...