
L’immensità – Review

Writer-director Emanuele Crialese hasn’t made a feature-film since 2011’s Terrafirma. In fact, he only has four films to his name. So, what could have got his creative juices flowing once more? Perha...
Safe Place

Safe Place (Sígurno Mjesto) – Review

Depictions of mental health on screen can so often feel like nothing more than mere tropes; a plot device to give the “hero” the chance to demonstrate their power. It’s very rare that you see a write...
I Like Movies

I Like Movies – Review

“What’s your favourite movie?” It’s a question that most self-professed cinema lovers will have been asked at some point in passing conversation. For seventeen year old cinephile, Lawrence, it’s Stan...
Lullaby Cinco Lobitos

Lullaby (Cinco Lobitos) – Review

Portrayals of motherhood tend to fall into two camps, cinematically speaking. There’s the frazzled mum with sick down her shirt and a messy bun. Or there’s the superwoman, for whom having a child has...
Plan 75

Plan 75 – Review

“No approval need from your doctor or family,” a Plan 75 representative smiles at his elderly customer. In fact, the entire conversation about whether or not you should choose to end your own life in...

Ramona – Review

There have been many attempts, on film, at unpicking the industry itself. Whether it’s a classic like Singin’ in the Rain, a biopic like Ed Wood, or artistic meditations on how damn hard it is to pro...