
Steve McQueen is one of the greatest filmmakers of his generation. His unflinching gaze has haunted us through tales of IRA prisoners, sex addicts and the American slave trade. With Widows, the direc...

John’s Top Ten of 2014

Contrary to popular opinion I found 2014 to be a pretty good year for movie releases. Sure some of the bigger movies failed to deliver but what’s new? There were a number of very well made film...

Gone Girl

It can be very tricky adapting a successful novel for the screen. The main problem is that the readers build a picture of the principal protagonists in their own imagination and when they finally get...

New Releases for October

So, it’s October already. The big summer blockbusters are a fading memory, and we are a few months away from anything worth a bet at next year’s award ceremonies. What we are left with then is a fair...