Corpus Christi

Corpus Christi – Review

“You know what we’re good at? Giving up on people. Pointing the finger at them. To forgive doesn’t mean to forget. Forgive means love. To love someone despite their guilt. No matter what the guilt is...
Filip Netflix

Filip – Review

The tagline on the poster for Michal Kwiecinski’s Filip reads “Scoundrel? Hero? Victim?” and that perfectly sums up the tone and style of this film. At times sumptuous and erotic, at others violent a...
Silent Land

Silent Land – Review

Holidays have been known to make or break relationships. You’re either able to switch off, relax and fall in love all over again or unfamiliar surroundings and searing heat can further expose suspect...

Supernova – Review

It doesn’t take much to change the course of your personal history. The coming together of seemingly random events that, when they happen in sequence, result in a situation that is neither want...
Fugue Agnieszka Smoczyńska

Fugue (Fuga) – Review

A woman teeters on her heels; unsteady on her feet. She’s walking on a railway line and her clothes are covered in soil. Suddenly, she reaches the station platform, which she then crawls awkwar...

The Girl From The Wardrobe

Loneliness and isolation must be one of the most crushing of human experiences. To feel that you are entirely alone in a city full of people; that you seem to be tuned to a different frequency from e...