Nightmare Alley

Nightmare Alley (2022) – Review

Neo-noir, so often, can be style over substance. Sumptuous to look at but severely lacking in authentic characters and narrative arcs. So, has “master of the spectacle” Guillermo del Toro succeeded i...
The Shape of Water

The Shape Of Water

Guillermo Del Toro is a film maker of vision and imagination. He has consistently produced top quality and highly entertaining pieces of cinema for over twenty years. The fact that his last two films...

The Cabin in the Woods

The reason we review movies is that we want to share our love of the medium with as many people as possible. We want people to watch and enjoy films. What we do want is to spoil films. There is an un...

Jack Reacher

Expectation can be a dangerous thing. Especially when it’s fans of books about to see a long held hero brought to life on the silver screen. When it was announced that the Jack Reacher books wo...

Friends With Benefits – Review

This film has a look at that question and tries to answer it in its own way. It is an anti-romantic comedy, romantic comedy if you see what I mean. The tale is a simple one. It has been told many tim...