Lullaby Cinco Lobitos

Lullaby (Cinco Lobitos) – Review

Portrayals of motherhood tend to fall into two camps, cinematically speaking. There’s the frazzled mum with sick down her shirt and a messy bun. Or there’s the superwoman, for whom having a child has...

Ramona – Review

There have been many attempts, on film, at unpicking the industry itself. Whether it’s a classic like Singin’ in the Rain, a biopic like Ed Wood, or artistic meditations on how damn hard it is to pro...
The Orphanage

Six of the Best – International Horror

When it comes to the thrills and spills of a good horror movie, Hollywood doesn’t have the monopoly. So many international film makers have made their mark on a cinema within the horror genre. From g...
Below Zero Bajocero Netflix

Below Zero (Bajocero) – Review

When you think of movies set in Spain, you’re likely to think of the colour and vivacity associated with the likes of Pedro Almodovar. You’re probably less likely to think of thick, rolling fogs; tem...
Call Me by Your Name

Six Of The Best: LGBT Cinema

It’s Pride Month and, here at Moviescramble, we are only too happy to get our rainbow on. Representations of the LGBTQI community has come a long way from early portrayals – dating back as far as the...
Pedro Almodovar

Six Of The Best: Pedro Almodovar

When you think of Madrid-native, Pedro Almodovar, three key things spring to mind; colour, close-ups and conversation. Almodovar’s films – from the early, wilder days to more recent years – have alwa...