Hela Thor MCU

Six of the Best: MCU Villains

Every good superhero needs a great villain. Someone to rally against; to do battle with; to save the rest of us mere mortals from. The latest entry to phase two of the Marvel Cinematic Universe ̵...
Shazam! Zachary Levi

Shazam! – Review

Something is happening in the DC extended universe. First of all, we previewed Todd Phillips’ new Joker movie, to an absolute frenzy of anticipation. And now, we cannot lavish enough praise on ...

Venom – New Trailer

“What are you?” a frightened man whimpers. “We … Are Venom.” Sony – in association with Marvel studios – have finally given a bigger insight as to the upcoming Venom film, complete with Tom Hardy in ...
The Incredibles 2

The Incredibles 2

Fourteen years is a long wait for a sequel – especially a superhero one. Since 2004’s The Incredibles, we’ve had two big screen incarnations of both Batman and Superman, three actors play...
Hounds of Love

Mary’s Top Ten of 2017

It’s been a funny old year for cinema. There have been extreme highs and lows; breathtaking pieces of craft to sleazy sex scandals. It’s a year when Hollywood really has had to take a goo...